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Jello, world! In our final project, we implemented a realtime Jello simulation in Unity with support for keyboard and mouse interactivity that allows the user to manipulate the Jello. We created two mass-spring systems in the forms of a cube and a sphere and wrote mesh generators for both shapes. Initially, we started with the cube model by extending the 2D cloth model from Project 4 to our 3D lattice of masses and springs. Then, we devised our own algorithm for the sphere model using spherical coordinates and testing different spring configurations. Finally, we tuned spring parameters for realistic renderings. Since we used Unity for our project, we took advantage of the High Definition Rendering Pipeline, allowing us to focus on the construction of the object itself.
Mass-Spring Cube
Since our Jello supports a variable number of particles per axis, we used a similar implementation to Project 4 when deciding where to place each particle by computing a constant offset distance between each particle. We initialized an \(N \times N \times N\) lattice of particles to prevent from underconstraining later when adding springs.
We took advantage of our existing knowledge of the spring system in project 4 and expanded the definitions of each spring to apply to three-dimensional space. Structural constraints join adjacent vertices along each axis, bending constraints skip a vertex in a certain axis, and shearing constraints join adjacent vertices along face and space diagonals. Below is a diagram illustrating the springs between each particle:
Mass-Spring Sphere
We devised our own algorithm from scratch to initialize vertex positions and add springs for our spherical mass-spring model.
Initializing the particles for a sphere was more complicated. To simplify the design, we chose to leverage the spherical coordinate system with angles \((\theta, \phi)\). We loop through the two coordinates in equal increments to set positions for each point by transforming back to the Cartesian grid: \(x = R\sin(\theta)\cos(\phi)\), \(y = R\cos(\theta)\), and \(z = R\sin(\theta)\sin(\phi)\). After accounting for the edge case at the poles (e.g. \(\theta = 0\) or \(\theta = \pi\)) which should only have one particle, we initialized one final particle at the origin. We’ll elaborate on the usage of this origin particle later.
We had to experiment a bit to see what springs were necessary to constrain our system. Similar to structural, shearing, and bending springs, we first connected all particles to (1) their direct neighbors by incrementing \(\theta\) and \(\phi\), (2) their diagonal neighbors, and (3) springs connecting every other vertex in both angular dimensions. At this point, we found that the sphere deformed too easily, as there were only enough particles to simulate its skeletal surface but nothing representing the inside. As a result, we added springs connecting the origin to all the other particles to prevent too much deformation. Still, we needed to constrain the sphere further, so we added springs connecting each vertex to its polar opposite vertex radially through the origin.
Vertices | Springs |
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Mesh Generation
For both the cube and the sphere mesh, we used Unity’s built-in triangle Meshes based on an indexed triangle representation. For every vertex on the outer surface of the body, we track the position in a vertex list. Then, we describe triangles as triplets of indices within the vertex list \((i_{v1}, i_{v2}, i_{v3})\). A tricky aspect of creating the mesh was being intentional about making sure that all the triangles were in a consistent winding order so that the normals were pointed outwards.
Handling Collisions
Collisions between rigid bodies and our jellies were handled by Unity’s physics engine, primarily relying on the outer vertices of our mesh representations. We needed to update the center of the models to correspond to the average of the vertices for Unity’s collision detection to work properly.
Collisions between jellies and themselves were much more difficult. We ran into problems with non-vertex points in the mesh falling through each other when colliding. As a workaround, we made the springs collide with one another so that the meshes were full convex shapes in three dimensions and could no longer fall through each other. Because our models were based heavily on springs, the collisions were rather bouncy, but we still found they looked quite realistic.
We implemented two types of interactivity: (1) movement with WASD and space and (2) click-and-drag to manipulate vertices.
The WASD keys allow the user to control the Jello in the \(x-z\) plane. Upon every update, we detect keyboard inputs. For instance, if the W key is pressed, we add velocity in the \(+z\) direction to the rigid body component of every unique particle in the object. We also supported spacebar inputs to make the Jello jump in the \(+y\) direction.
To support clicking and dragging our jello, we tracked the position of the mouse and sent out a ray from the mouse screen coordinate to the world and tracked the collision point with the object. Since moving around the mouse could only change two spatial dimensions, we needed to limit the movement of the dragged object to a plane in 3-d space. The plane we chose was the plane normal to the camera viewing direction that included the initial intersection point. Any subsequent mouse movement would be raycasted to intersect that plane to determine the object’s new position.
As this was all of our first times working with Unity, we ran into a number of challenges:
We learned a lot in this project! Here are a few:
In the videos below, we capture the primary features of our Jello! You can see the cube and spherical Jellos we implemented, as well as applying movement and jumping commands to the objects.
Bowl (Cube) | Bowl (Sphere) | Ramps |
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We also played around with the spring constant to manipulate the rigidity of the Jello. As you can see, lower spring constants make the Jello more jiggly, analogous to an extra bouncy bit of jello! Naturally, a higher spring constant meant that the system would settle quicker. Interestingly, the bounce height for the cube seemed to increase then decrease as the spring constant increased. This might be because lower spring constants could not apply enough force to lift the Jello while higher spring constants do not deform enough to spring the Jello upwards.
We also handled collisions between two Jello objects by using mesh colliders and spring collision (left) and clicking/dragging our Jello object as an aspect of interactivity (right).
Collisions | Clicking/dragging |
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From a high level, other than referencing documentation on how certain built in tools for Unity worked, we used trial and error when building
Noah created the mass-spring cube and sphere models, implemented interactivity with keypresses, and figured out collisions. Johnny created the mesh renderer for the cube Jello, implemented interactivity with clicking/dragging, visualized the spring system with a wireframe, and looked into the frame deformation model. Allen worked on texturing the Jello using Unity’s build in HDRP and helped construct the sphere mass-spring system and mesh. Jedi helped on creating the Jello materials in Unity and worked on the sphere Jello mass-spring model, too. Everyone contributed equally to the milestone, renders, and final presentation.